
Monday, January 28, 2013

1.28.Sunset - Mari

Today's prompt - Sunset....well that wasn't going to happen, as the first snow we've had in weeks started to fly just at sunset.  So I took the opportunity to play a little with the macro settings on the new camera.  No macro lens, but it seems to work okay, even with a flash.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

1.27.Dislike - Mari

Um - what can I say?  I just have never liked these.

1.26.Passion - Mari

Okay, I missed a few blogs this week.  I got most of my photos in, but I didn't get much farther than taking them, and posting them on Flickr.  The prompt for 1-26 was you ask, why a photo of a herd of  Bighorn Sheep?  Well, I figure we were out, together, and doing what we love - that's passion enough for me.

In addition I was having a great time playing with my new telephoto lens!  It was an overcast day, wishing now I might have played a bit more with exposures.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

1.20.Play - Mari

Today was an adult 'play' date.  Lunch with the girls, I've known all of them since 1982 - so not quite as long as I've known Leslie - but close. Used the iPhone Panorama setting for this - it was a fun afternoon.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

1.19.Bright - Mari

Today's prompt was "bright".  This was an easy one with a little snow and some sun.  We went up to Bear Lake, hoping to get a little snowshoeing in.  However, there wasn't much snow.  We walked around the lake, with our snowshoes attached to our backpacks!  Decided next week, we'll just hike Waterton Canyon, since we're supposed to have a couple of days this week over 60F along the front range.  I'm thinking this will be a bad snowshoe year.

1.18.Doorway - Mari

I have to walk down this long hallway each morning to my classroom (last room on the right), but at the end of the hallway is an exit doorway.  The great part about this doorway is that it is on the east side of the building, so every morning, I walk down the hall into this gorgeous sunrise.  It is a great view as I start my day.

1.17.Favorite Toy - Mari

Okay, this changes, but currently my favorite toy is the new camera I got for Christmas.  A little disappointed in how grainy the photo from the iPad looks - but the camera is great.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1.16.Jumble - Mari

I had fun playing with some of the settings on my new camera today as I tried to capture a jumble. Had to sample a few to get through the task!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1.15.Nut - Mari

You maybe asking how a girl in Colorado got all of these great pecans.  Well, I've got an aunt who lives in Tennessee, and she has always kept me supplied with fresh pecans!

Monday, January 14, 2013

1.14.LowLight - Mari

Had to work hard to hold the camera still, but I really like the versatility of this camera. Even without a macro lens, it does pretty well, and I'm loving the resolution, a whole bunch.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

1-13.Smile - Mari

Okay, not a stranger's smile, but the fact that my husband cooks (on a regular basis) makes me smile all the time. Tonight's menu is Butter Chicken, rice and Naan.

1.13 Stranger's Smile - Leslie

While working with Thurber House I have plenty of occasions to capture a look or a smile incognito; it's my job.  I particularly like this candid shot having properly inferred that the woman was a mentor of the author giving the talk, Robin Yocum.

1.12 Self Portrait - Leslie

I remembered my photo assignment just after I had cleaned off the deck, siding and front porch in preparation for our move and because it was a frickin' beautiful warm January day.  The first photo is the failed attempt at self portraiture "The Dreaded Reverse Camera" option - the second is what I wanted and has the overexposed effect that mimicked how I felt..

Saturday, January 12, 2013

1.12.Self-Portrait - Mari

While not my favorite subject, today's prompt gave the challenge to learn some more about using the WMAU (wifi) adapter that came with my camera. Using it I'm able to use my iPhone or iPad as a remote to take the photo, I'm even able to look through the lens. We're ready for the Bronco game!

Friday, January 11, 2013

1.11 Different Viewpoint - Leslie

Today got away from me; this picture I took shortly before Christmas, 2012 to send to my Swiss Niece who had given me the earrings. I find whenever I try to take a self-portrait that the camera is always at a different viewpoint than one I would have chosen.

1.11.Climb - Mari

Hoping for the temperature to climb here, but knowing it probably won't for a week or so.

1.10 Real Life - Leslie

This is my life for awhile; my "Dining Desk" filled with the detritus of daily living, drugs and planners, Viactiv and camera, folders of movers; all within easy reach.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

1.10 Real Life - Mari

Today's prompt 'real life' was a little difficult at first.  However, I decided that real life is coming home, making a PBJ sandwich for dinner and a Frambozen on the side.  Tonight it was perfect 'real life'. Tough day at school, not the kids, but the adults.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1.9 Tranquil, Quiet, Free - Leslie

The side yard of our soon-to-be home in Mansfield, MA.  It's not about lighting today; it was full sun at around 11 in the morning so you couldn't take a bad shot really unless you overexposed it. This is a picture about hope and looking forward to  tranquil moments in our yard in the near future.

1.8 Disheartened - Leslie

The book section in the grocery store just after the New Year. Diet and Self-help haven. I get frustrated just thinking of all the things I won't get done by the end of the year.

1.9.Peaceful - Mari

Probably a different direction most would go given the prompt 'Peaceful'.  However, this was a nice quiet morning before the start of second semester, and my Biology classroom was quite peaceful.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1.8.Discouraged - Mari

We drive older cars - specifically a '99 and an '01 Volvo. The '99 has 192000 miles and the '01 has 112000 miles, and they are both going to get a few more miles on them before we're through with them. They are also both reliable - however, I never like the computer printout that points out all of our upcoming repairs.

Monday, January 7, 2013

1.7 Movement - Leslie

Another travel day and I saw 700 miles of movement in the last two days. This is the view from my hotel window this morning in Buffalo.

1.6 With Words - Leslie

Had to get creative on this travel day - Last breakfast with Stephen for a month . . . Froot Loops on an old fashioned cafeteria tray punctuating how I feel.

1.7.Motion - Mari

Still relying on the camera to do more than its share, but I was able to capture motion pretty nicely, and very easily.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

1.6.With Words - Mari

Today's prompt "With Words". I chose this because it seemed a little monumental because I actually won a game against my friend Diane. I think it is the first time this has happened!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

1.5 Food - Leslie

Food, glorious food . . . Lots of red at Five Guys Burgers and Fries.

1.5.Colorful Food - Mari

Not feeling 100% today, do peppers at the store is all I could come up with for colorful food

Friday, January 4, 2013

1.4 Fur - Leslie

I always travel with a furry creature; to hug on at night in a strange bed . . . or to cover my ears when unusual night noises intrude.  Comfort and warmth; meet Conard the Build-A-Bear Bunny.

1.4.Fur - Mari

Well today's challenge was fur.  We have no pets, so no fur there.  No fur in this girls closet, I don't even think I have any faux what to do?  Then it struck me - Fur for the 21st Century!  Of course, Polar Fleece - what I live in this time of year.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

1.3 A Pattern, Filled Frame, Many - Leslie

My eye only saw the lights and their run into the distance; when I went to upload it I saw the little food cart breaking up the pattern.  We all like our patterns and yet, breaking them up keeps us fresh,

1.3 Repetition - Mari

Okay - I'm going to admit, I didn't take this photo today.  I took it a week or so ago, as I was learning to use my new camera.  Today's prompt was repetition and I really liked this image, so today I'm opting to share that instead of a new one.

And I felt like I needed to shoot a photo today, so below is the one I took today for repetition.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1.2.NewBeginnings - Mari

I think I was a little more literal with the prompt today.  I know it doesn't look like much right now, it only needs a couple of months and some warmer weather.

1.2 New. Effort. Fresh. - Leslie

The new shirt was fresh but took some effort for Stephen's first day . . . missing button. The hotel staff was friendly and accepted my 50 cent tip for the elevator trip to the 10th floor with magic wardrobe repair kit; didn't know Crabtree & Evelyn supplied anything other than lotion. Thank God the needles came threaded.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1.1 Resolve - Leslie

Resolve to move more; thus my shoes all lined up and ready to go.

1.1.Resolve - Mari

There are many things I resolve in 2013, however the one that involves this blog is to get behind the lens more.